Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Positive Inspiration

Good Morning All,

Today is the day of my new adventure. I can't believe it's here. In the upcoming months and blogs you will get to know me and read stories on my adventure and the people I meet. For those who know me, I like to laugh. For those who don't know me, you will see that I try to make light of serious things that have happened in my life. I think humor is our best medicine and I feel this keeps me looking at our broken world positively rather than negatively. Don't get me wrong, I can be negative and you will see all sides of me coming through my blog posts. For the most part, I like to laugh and this is what I call "Positive Inspiration." Sometimes, when I can't find something to laugh about or be grateful for, I look to others to receive "positive inspiration".  I would like to introduce you to a man that helped me see things a bit differently in life and to get me where I am today. His name is Randy Pausch (1960-2008). I take my teaching techniques from him as well as the way he looks at life and difficult situations. He uses a lot of humor and has helped me a lot in my quest to live positively. If you haven't seen "The Last Lecture" it is a must see for those of you that think life is over. When we are diagnosed with a life threatening disease or things aren't going our way, then we have to know how to turn things around positively and live as if it's our last day on earth. No one knows the exact hour that we will go (only God) but we have to enjoy the time we have here. I have been given many chances and each day I wake up it's always a new learning day to help me get through the next. The most important lesson I am learning is to laugh!

I am not only positive, but I am a recovering alcoholic as well. I have to stay positive because there is a lot at stake if I don't. Being HIV positive and not drinking works hand in hand with each other because if I drink I lessen the chance of medicine working and it makes being positive difficult. Drinking will lower my immune system so it will defeat the purpose of me taking meds to live. Today, I want to live! Both drinking and being HIV Positive can be negative connotations looming over me but I refuse to view it as "looming over me" I believe that being HIV Positive keeps me positive and being sober gives me the world I never knew I could have. Do you see how they work together positively so I can live positively? I feel it's not the what happens to us but how we handle what happens to us that is important. What are some things in your life today that are negative that you can turn it around and be positive about? We control our own happiness, and when we can't figure it out we turn to others or more importantly a Higher Power of our choice that can and will help. My Higher Power, despite what the Church thinks of me, is God. I am writing a book on my life that will explain all of the God talk. I am Gay, Catholic Raised (not practicing but believe), Male, HIV Positive, Mexican American that has a lot of funny stories to share concerning the clash of religion and culture with the Gay lifestyle.

In my blogs I will be introducing several people to you that inspire me and how they help me stay positive in a negative world. Randy Pausch is one of those people, and even after his death, he still is a great inspiration to me. Watch his video and let me know what you think.

A round of hugs and smiles for everyone!

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